Celebrate love with a personalized Floral Beauty Bouquet!
Choose from two elegant arrangements (Blooming or Sweet bouquet) and customize your bouquet by adding your favorite products from Loolia Closet.
For a romantic touch, we recommend pink-toned selections.
Flower arrangement options:
Blooming Bouquet – $30
Includes: 8 roses, 4 baby roses, 3 cloves
Sweet Bouquet – $24
Includes: 6 roses, 3 baby roses, 4 cloves
How It Works:
- Choose your preferred bouquet style and add it to your cart.
- Add the products you love to your order.
- We’ll carefully prepare and beautifully wrap your bouquet for you.
Pick-Up Details:
Date: Friday, February 14 (Between 11am and 5pm)
Location: Mount Lebanon, Sed Bouchrieh, Ramaco Center, Level 1
Last day to pre-order: Wednesday, February 12, by 2:00 PM.
Make this Valentine’s Day extra special with a beautifully curated bouquet!